Sunday, September 19, 2010

Five Famous Genetic Scientists

Tara Lee
Sept 19 2010

Francis Harry Compton Crick

 Francis Crick
-Francis was born on June 8th, 1916, in  Northampton, England, being the elder child of Harry Crick and Annie Elizabeth Wilkins. He has one brother, A. F. Crick, who is a doctor in New Zealand.
-In 1937, Francis was educated at Northampton Grammar School and Mill Hill School, London. He studied physics at University College, London, obtained a B.Sc.
. In 1949 he joined the Medical Research Council Unit

    ->This Unit was for many years housed in the Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge.
-Francis obtained a Ph.D. in 1954 on a thesis entitled «X-ray diffraction: polypeptides and proteins».
-He worked out the general theory of X-ray diffraction by a helix.

-In 1962, Francis was made an F.R.S. in 1959. He was awarded the Prix Charles Leopold Meyer of the French Academy of Sciences in 1961, and the Award of Merit of the Gairdner Foundation in 1962. Together with J. D. Watson he was a Warren Triennial Prize Lecturer in 1959 and received a Research Corporation Award.
-In 1949 Francis married Odile Speed.
-In 2004, Francis, at age 88, died due to the colon.

Rosalind Franklin

-Rosalind ,a female scientists, was born on July 25 1920 in Notting Hill, London.
-This scientist studied genetics and had established an expert in the stucture of graphite and other carbon compounds.
-She learned many different teachniques and how to use them wisely to extract DNA fibers and arrange them into bundles.
-Roaslind discovered the key to DNA structure.
-Unfortunately she did not receive the due credit for her role in dicovering the structure of DNA (carrier of genentic material).
- Roaslind was the first to produce photographs that illustrated DNA's helical strucature and identify the location of phosphate sugars in DNA.
 Rosalind died of cancer on April 16, 1958.

Gregor Mendel


Gregor Mendel, one of the famous genetic scientists, was an Austrian monk and biologist.
-  Mendel was born on July 22, 1822 in Heizendorf, Austria
-  This wise man worked on heredity for many years and it became the basis of the genetic  theory that we study today.
-  He studied in Vienna and he spent his time to carry out the practical experiments in biology. Two years after, he went on an investigation to study the variation, heredity and evolution in plants ( such as garden pea).
 - He studied the offspring of the seeds that he implanted years after years and discovered that the offspring's phenotype is determined by the crossing over the parents' genes. 
    -> Forexample, "crossing tall and short parent plants he got hybrid offspring that resembled the tall parent rather than being a medium height blend."
-Mendel explained that this concept of heredity units are called, what we now know, genes.
    -> These genes are expressed either dominant or recessive characteristics. Dominance is a trait that shows up an offspring, where as, recessiveness is a trait that does not show up in an offspring.
- Mendel  died in 1884.         
Barbara McClintock

-Barbara was born on June 16 1902.
-She was an American cytogenticist who was the Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1983.
-She received PhD in Cornell University in 1927.
-Barbara studied chromosomes and how they change during reproduction in maize. She also developed the technique for visualizing maize chromosomes and used microscopic analysis to demonstrate many fundamental genetic ideas, including genetic recombination by crossing-over during meiosis
- She produced first genetic map for maize and demonstrated the role of telomere and centromere.
-She was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1944.
-Babara found the abnormal locus breaking chormosome moved from one chromosomal location to another, which is now called transposition.
-Later in her life, she was the only woman who received the Nobel Prize and this fact was recorded in our history.
-In  1992, she had her last breath.

Paul Berg


-Paul  was born in 1926, Brooklyn New York and still lives.
-He is a Molecular biologist who created the first recombinant DNA molecules and also created the field of genetic engineering.
- He combined DNA from the cancer-cauing monkey virus and lambda virus to create the first DNA molecules. And had also developed a technique to splice DNA together from different types of organisms.
- His work lead researchers to turn simple organisms into organisms producing valuable medical drugs.
- He was awarded the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry


1 comment:

  1. Good job! Check out the APA referencing for doing citations for the websites. The APA notes are printed in your course outline.
